Rapid point-of care readout system to quantify cytokines based on three-dimensional bottle microresonators [Link]
Swen Marke, 4th International Workshop "Diagnostic Systems for Process Monitoring", 14.10.2020 in Oederan
SwitchECM - Ressourceneffiziente Endbearbeitung durch elektrochemisches Abtragen mit prozesszustandabhängiger Kathodenbestromung
Robin Schulze, Jens Lämmel, Oliver Kröning, Hans-Peter Schulze, Mathias Herzig, Wolfram Scharff, Jürgen Schiller, Swen Marke, Rigo Geithe, Robert Grötzschel, Stephan Ehrlich, Stanley Reißig, Matthias Hackert-Oschätzchen, Andre Martin, Tom Petzold, Andreas Schubert - InnoEMat-Konferenz 28.05.2019, Frankfurt am Main
Controlling plasma properties of reactive HIPIMS process using novel combined control technique [Link]
Thomas Schuette (PLASUS GmbH), Peter Neiss (PLASUS GmbH), Julius Rieke (IOT Braunschweig), Ralf Bandorf (Fraunhofer IST), Holger Gerdes (Fraunhofer IST), Swen Marke (IFU Diagnostic Systems GmbH), 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering 21.09.2018 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Optical characterisation of HIPIMS processes S. Marke - 3. International Workshop "Diagnostic Systems for Plasma Processes", 26.09.2017 in Lichtenwalde
Optical spectroscopy - unusual developments
W. Scharff - Innovation forum "Optical sensors", 19.05.2017 in Chemnitz, Fraunhofer ENAS
Development of process data capturing, analysis and controlling for thermal spray techniques - SprayTracker
C. Kelber, S. Marke, U. Trommler, C. Rupprecht, S. Weis - 19th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering, March 2017
Process control at reactive magnetron sputtering processes to optimise Al doped ZnO layers
S. Marke - 2. International Workshop "Diagnostic Systems for Plasma Processes", 30.09.2015 in Lichtenwalde
Plasma Spraying of HAP coatings conatining Ag micro-nanopoarticles
G. Colonges, J. Sulej-Chojnacka, M. Lijewski, M. Ignatev, W. Scharff, S. Marke,J. Romero, A. Villafane
II. Seminarium "Microstructure and Chemistry Characterization of Advanced Materials, Poznan, Polen, September 2013
Process Regulation at reactive HIPIMS Plasma
S. Marke - 1. International Workshop "Diagnostic Systems for Plasma Processes", 24.09.2013 in Lichtenwalde
Transfer of the TCS process downhole
Sauer, D., Amro, M.M., Wagner, S., Rose F., Schöffel, W., Pfeiffer, J., Hesse. G,. Marke,
73. Anniversary of the German Geophysical Society (DGG), März 2013
Imaging of the Glow Discharge Plasma
V. Hoffmann, M. Voronov, T. Wallendorf, S. Marke, S. J. Ray, A. P. Storey, G. M. Hieftje, T. Steingrobe, W. Buscher, C. Engelhard, Recent Developments in Analytical Glow Discharge Spectroscopy, London, Sep 2012
Plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings modified with silver nanoparticles
M. Ignatev, T. Rybak, G. Colonges, W. Scharff, S. Marke
Advanced forming technologies and nanostructured materials, Poznan, 2012
Glow discharge imaging spectroscopy with a novel acousto-optical imaging spectrometer
M. Voronov, V. Hoffmann, T. Wallendorf, S. Marke, J. Mönch, C. Engelhard, W. Buscher, S. J. Ray, G. M. Hieftje, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2012
A new acousto-optical imaging spectrometer (AOS) applied for glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD OES)
M. Voronov, V. Hoffmann, T. Wallendorf, S. Marke, G. Hieftje, S. Ray, C. Engelhard, W. Buscher, Images in Plasma Science, 2011
Relation between HIPIMS power supply pulse shape and ion generation efficiency
Till Wallendorf, Ralf Bandorf, Holger Gerdes, 2nd International Conference on HIPIMS 28.-29.6.2011, Braunschweig, Germany
Light for treating skin deseases
B. Seme, A. Meyer, S. Marke, I. Streit, Optik & Photonik, 2010
High Rate deposition of mixed oxides by controlled reactive magnetron sputtering from metallic targets
Stefan Bruns, Michael Vergöhl, Oliver Werner, Till Wallendorf, Fraunhofer IST, 2010
Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry (DMS) for use in non invasive Diagnostic from Exhaled Air
G. Becher, A. Hillmann, A. Kikowatz, R. Graupner, R. Purkhart, W. Steinhäuser, S. Marke, W. Scharff, Graupner Medical Group, 2010
NIR-Sensor – an alternative diagnostic tool for the online process control of thermal spray processes
Alexander Schwenk, A. Wank, Till Wallendorf, Swen Marke, ITSC Singapore, 2010
Flexible Control for Reactive Pulsed Magnetron Sputter Process
Stefan Bruns, Oliver Werner, Ralf Bandorf, Till Wallendorf, Fraunhofer IST, 2010
Spatial and time resolved measurements by a new acousto-optical imaging spectrometer in combination with glow discharge sources
M. Voronov, V. Hoffmann, T. Wallendorf, S. Marke, G. Hieftje, S. Ray, C. Engelhard, W. Buscher hursday Poster - Imaging/Microscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010
Development, Characterization and application of a novel electrodeles, radio frequency excited, planar, small area XeCl exciplex UVB lamp mainly for dermatological applications
B. Seme, A. Scheibe, I. Streit, S. Marke, A. Meyer, S. Schiermeyer, W. D. Schmidt, 2010
Partial pressure control in reactive HiPIMS / HPPMS plasmas
Till Wallendorf, Michael Vergöhl, Oliver Werner, Stefan Bruns, WTK Chemnitz 2009
Particle measurement on HVOF and plasma powder coating systems
Till Wallendorf, Swen Marke, Alexander Schwenk, Andreas Wank, WTK Chemnitz 2009
Time Resolved Optical Emission Spectroscopy in an Off-Time Controlled HiPIMS Transition Mode Process for Optical Coatings
T. Wallendorf, M. Vergöhl, O. Werner, S. Bruns, ISPC 19 Bochum
HIPIMS / HPPMS Process Design with Multi Channel Pulse Pattern Controller
T. Wallendorf, R. Bandorf, M. Vergöhl, SVC 2008 Chicago